Course curriculum

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    Lesson 1 - Introduction to Blockchain Platform

    • Introduction to Blockchain Platforms

    • Introduction to Hyperledger Applications and Tools

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 1 - Quiz 1

    • Hyperledger Fabric Explained

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 1 - Quiz 2

    • Reading: Hyperledger Exec: Blockchain Will Diminish Power of Tech Giants like Google

    • Lesson 1 - Writing Assignment 1

    • Lesson 1 - Writing Assignment 2

    • Reading: Decentralized Voting Platform Built on Hyperledger Sawtooth

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 1 - Quiz 3

    • Introduction to Hyperledger vs. Permissionless Blockchains

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 1 - Quiz 4

    • Reading: Hyperledger and Enterprise Ethereum Alliance

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 1 - Quiz 5

    • Ethereum VS Hyperledger Fabric

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 1 - Quiz 6

    • Reading: What is the Ethereum Alliance?

    • Lesson 1 - Writing Assignment 3

    • Lesson 1 - Writing Assignment 4

    • Student Discussion forum for Lesson 1 - Introduction to Blockchain Platform

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    Lesson 2 - Cryptocurrencies and Cryptography

    • Introduction to Cryptocurrencies

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 2 - Quiz 7

    • Reading: MIT - Cryptocurrency

    • Lesson 2 - Writing Assignment 5

    • Reading: Cryptocurrencies: A Paradigm Shift

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 2 - Quiz 8

    • Introduction to Cryptography

    • Cryptography Explained: Public-Key vs Symmetric Cryptography

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 2 - Quiz 9

    • Reading: Hashing Basics and History

    • Lesson 2 - Writing Assignment 6

    • Reading: Cryptographic Hash Functions Explained

    • Student Discussion forum for Lesson 2 - Cryptocurrencies and Cryptography

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    Lesson 3: Cryptocurrency Tokens and Smart Contracts

    • Introduction to Cryptocurrency tokens & tokenization

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 10

    • What is the difference between a cryptocurrency coin and a token?

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 11

    • Reading: Guide to Crypto Token Types

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 12

    • Lesson 3 - Writing Assignment 7

    • Reading : What is the Howey Test?

    • Lesson 3 - Writing Assignment 8

    • Introductory to Smart Contracts

    • Reading: 10 Challenges to the Adoption of Smart Contracts

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 13

    • Smart contracts - Simply Explained

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 14

    • Reading: Decentralized Applications

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 3 - Quiz 15

    • Lesson 3 - Writing Assignment 9

    • Lesson 3 - Writing Assignment 10

    • Student Discussion forum for Lesson 3: Cryptocurrency Tokens and Smart Contracts

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    Lesson 4: How People Interact with Cryptocurrencies & How Cryptocurrency Exchanges Support the Digital Economy

    • Introduction to How People interact with Cryptocurrencies

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 4 - Quiz 16

    • Reading: How Cryptocurrencies Can Help Developing Nations

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 4 - Quiz 17

    • Reading: 9 Barriers to Cryptocurrency adoption

    • Lesson 4 - Writing Assignment 11

    • Introduction to How Cryptocurrency Exchanges Support the Digital Economy

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 4 - Quiz 18

    • Reading: What Will Cryptocurrency Give to the Digital Economies of the Future?

    • Knowledge Check - Lesson 4 - Quiz 19

    • Lesson 4 - Writing Assignment 12

    • Reading: Internet of Things, Blockchain and Shared Economy Applications

    • Lesson 4 - Writing Assignment 13

    • Student Discussion forum for Lesson 4: How People Interact with Cryptocurrencies and Exchanges

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    Final Exam: Blockchain Platforms

    • Knowledge Check - Final Quiz - All lessons

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    We hope you enjoyed this journey. Are you ready for more?

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    • Blockchain Glossary